Sandeep Singh, Tianfu Wu, Chun Xie, Kamala Vanarsa, Tina Mahajan, Ho Bing Oei, Chul Ahn, Joseph Zhou, Chaim Putterman, Ramesh Saxena and Chandra Mohan Urine VCAM1 as a marker of renal pathology activity index in lupus nephritis. Arthritis Research & Therapy 2012, 13;14(4):R164.
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Guiyang Hao; Yong Du; Joseph Zhou; Orhan K. Öz; Chandra Mohan*; Xiankai Sun*. (*Co-senior authors). Longitudinal Non-invasive Assessment of Antibody Induced Nephritis in Mice using Positron Emission Tomography. PLOS One, 2013;8(2):e57418.
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Tianfu Wu, Chun Xie, Jie Han, Yujin Ye, Sandeep Singh, Joseph Zhou, Ramesh Saxena, and Chandra Mohan. Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-4 as a Marker of Concurrent Chronic Lupus Nephritis. 2015 (under review)
CC Mok, HH Ding, M Kharboutli and. C Mohan. sAxl, sTNFR2, ferritin and IGFBP-2 and as biomarkers in systemic lupus erythematosus. 2015 (Under Review)