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Li QZ. Zhou J. Wandstrat AE. Carr-Johnson F. Branch V. Karp DR. Mohan C. Wakeland EK. Olsen NJ. Protein array autoantibody profiles for insights into systemic lupus erythematosus and incomplete lupus syndromes. Clin Exp Immunol. 147(1):60-70, 2007
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Wu T and C. Mohan. 2009. Proteomic toolbox for autoimmunity research. Autoimmunity Reviews 8(7):595-8.
Tianfu Wu, Yuyang Fu, Deirdre Brekken, Columbine Che, Noa Schwartz, Ho Bing Oei, Xin J Zhou, Chul Ahn, Chaim Putterman and Chandra Mohan. 2010. Urine proteome scans uncover total urine protease as a potential marker of lupus nephritis. J Immunol 184(4):2183-93; PMID: 20065116
Li QZ. Zhou J. Lian Y. Zhang B. Branch VK. Carr-Johnson F. Karp DR. Mohan C. Wakeland EK. Olsen NJ. 2010. Interferon signature gene expression is correlated with autoantibody profiles in patients with incomplete lupus syndromes. Clin Exp Immunol. 159(3):281-91, 2010.
Tianfu Wu, Deena Sajitharan& Chandra Mohan. Biomarkers of rheumatoid arthritis: recent progress. Expert Opinion on Medical Diagnostics. 2010. 4(4): 293-305.
Kamala Vanarsa, Chandra Mohan. 2010. Proteomics in rheumatology: the dawn of a new era. F1000 Medicine Reports 2010 2:(87)
Sandeep Singh, Tianfu Wu, Chun Xie, Kamala Vanarsa, Tina Mahajan, Ho Bing Oei, Chul Ahn, Joseph Zhou, Chaim Putterman, Ramesh Saxena and Chandra Mohan Urine VCAM1 as a marker of renal pathology activity index in lupus nephritis. Arthritis Research & Therapy 2012, 13;14(4):R164.
Tianfu Wu, Chun Xie, Jie Han, Jim Weiel, Quan Li, Irene Blanco, Chul Ahn, Nancy Olsen, Chaim Putterman, Ramesh Saxena, Chandra Mohan. METABOLIC DISTURBANCES UNDERLYING SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS. 2012. PLOS ONE . 7(6): p. e37210.
Vanarsa K, Ye Y, Han J, Xie C, Mohan C*, Wu T*. Inflammation associated anemia and ferritin as disease markers in SLE. Arthritis Res Ther. 2012 Aug 7;14(4):R182. PMID:22871034
Kiani AN, Wu T, Fang H, Zhou XJ, Ahn CW, Magder LS, Mohan C*, Petri M*. (*Co-senior authors). Urinary vascular cell adhesion molecule, but not neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, is associated with lupus nephritis. J Rheumatol. 2012 Jun;39(6):1231-7. Epub 2012 Apr 15.
Wu T, Du Y, Han J, Singh S, Xie C, Guo Y, Zhou XJ, Ahn C, Saxena R, Mohan C. Urinary Angiostatin – a novel marker of renal pathology chronicity in lupus nephritis. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2013 Jan 23. [Epub ahead of print]
Becker AM, Dao KH, Han BK, Kornu R, Lakhanpal S, Mobley AB, Li QZ, Lian Y, Wu T, Reimold AM, Olsen NJ, Karp DR, Chowdhury FZ, Farrar JD, Satterthwaite AB, Mohan C, Lipsky PE, Wakeland EK, Davis LS. SLE peripheral blood B cell, T cell and myeloid cell transcriptomes display unique profiles and each subset contributes to the interferon signature. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 24;8(6):e67003.
Wang S, Qin L, Wu T, Deng B, Sun Y, Hu D, Mohan C, Zhou XJ, Peng A. Elevated cardiac markers in chronic kidney disease as a consequence of hyperphosphatemia-induced cardiac myocyte injury. Med Sci Monit. 2014 Oct 25;20:2043-53. doi: 10.12659/MSM.890909.
Arriens C, Mohan C. Systemic lupus erythematosus diagnostics in the ‘omics’ era. Int J Clin Rheumtol. 2014 Dec 1;8(6):671-687. PMID: 24860621
Hutcheson J, Ye Y, Han J, Arriens C, Saxena R, Li QZ, Mohan C, Wu T. Resistin as a potential marker of renal disease in lupus nephritis. Clin Exp Immunol. 2015 Mar;179(3):435-443. doi: 10.1111/cei.12473
Dania Albaba , Sanam Soomro, and Chandra Mohan. Aptamer-based Screens of Human Body Fluids for Biomarkers. 2015 (Under Review)
Tianfu Wu, Huihua Ding, Jie Han, Cristina Arriens, Chungwen Wei, Weilu Han, Claudia Pedroza, Shan Jiang, Jennifer Anolik, Michelle Petri, Ignacio Sanz, Ramesh Saxena, Chandra Mohan. Antibody array based proteomic screening of erum markers in systemic lupus erythematosus. 2015 (Under Review)
CC Mok, HH Ding, M Kharboutli and. C Mohan. sAxl, sTNFR2, ferritin and IGFBP-2 and as biomarkers in systemic lupus erythematosus. 2015 (Under Review)
Tianfu Wu, Chun Xie, Jie Han, Yujin Ye, Sandeep Singh, Joseph Zhou, Ramesh Saxena, and Chandra Mohan. Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-4 as a Marker of Concurrent Chronic Lupus Nephritis. 2015 (under review)
Chandra Mohan, Shervin Assassi. Biomarkers in rheumatic diseases: How can they facilitate diagnosis and disease activity assessment? Brit Med J 2015 (In Press)