MohanLab Dinner with Dr. Parodis
Eesha and Valeria Visit Neuroscience Meeting 2024
MohanLab UG Student Research Day
High school student Eesha being awarded an MVP Trophy by her mentor and graduate student, Ayesha
High school student Vishal being awarded an MVP Trophy by his mentor and graduate student, Aalekhya
High school student Sriram being awarded an MVP Trophy by his mentors – graduate students, Vinaika and Mohammad
High school student Mayank being awarded an MVP Trophy by his mentors – graduate students, Vinaika and Mohammad
2024 High school interns and their mentors in MohanLab
2024 High school interns and their mentors in MohanLab, at the Farewell Lunch
Julie Trinh, Class of 2025 undergraduate researcher mentored by Aalekhya Biswas and Srinandhini Chandran, presented her two posters: (1) The Role of Macrophages in Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition in Lupus Nephritis and Renal Fibrosis in vitro and (2) ALCAM deficiency from birth does not affect Lupus Nephritis at the annual Rice University Natural Science Undergraduate Research Symposium (NSURS) this April, winning her the top 10 poster presentation award.
Congratulations Abhishek Kumar! Graduated with a PhD in BME!
Dr. Mohan meets with Prof. Minghui Zhao, Dr. Ying Tan and students at Beijing Medical University, Beijing, PRC.
Farah Break presents her PURS research at Undergraduate Research Day, 2024.
Lovely dinner with Dr. Parodis and his student Julian.
Impromptu Mohan Lab Lunch!
Students from Mohan lab attend farewell dinner and receive awards.
New undergraduate researchers posing after successfully completing experiments independently.
December 2019 Lab Photo Session

The Undergraduates Planting the Lab Family Tree

Sirisha’s Farewell

March Birthdays

December Lab Lunch

Ling’s Farewell Lunch

Kamala’s Birthday
Hui-Hua’s Birthday
Marwa’s BME Award Celebration
Hui’s Baby Shower

Highschool Student’s Lunch
June Lab Lunch
Undergraduate Graduation Celebration